Today, Thursday March 16th, 2023, 7:00 PM was a home birthday bash celebration victory palooza. We
had had takeout dinner. Afterwards we sang "Happy Birthday" to me.
The cake was marble strawberry-swirl
cheesecake dissected, distributed and served to 3 members of my family.
Today I turned 39 years old, marking the
last year in my 30s before entering my
40 as a middle-aged ranged adult next
year in 2024. Coffee was served with a delight of the mouthwatering exquisite
taste combination of embracing an enticing twist of enthusiasm endeavoring flavor and character to the story of recipe. Together, we the family enjoyed the
the deliciousness of the cake and coffee coalesce their substance in our mouths.
And we shared present eloquent memories imagined for generations ahead.