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The Earth in Sorrow Destruction Poem:

O' Earth I have seen, and I have spectated

notice how you have collapsed in the corruption

of the grave. I have heard and I have perceived,

all that has surpassed the ages of discontent rot of judgment below the foot of the rock and under the dust of the dead.

I have watched carefully and have looked closely

how you forsaken and detracted responsibility

to protect security. I have studied intelligence

and I have practiced observance that you betrayed

each other against the Lord in coldblooded hate. I

have waited and I have endured patience, in hopes a peoples of the world would return to my light, but

darkness is your curse, and plagues is your worship of

doom to pass away carried towards despair to saints.

I have glanced and I have tested your hearts weighted,

finding them evil as your derelict away from true love.

For your sin is catastrophic sorrow, sorrow of distorted

burden, and burden of abhorrent wrath, wrath

unchanged reconciliation, travesty of indignation,

and indignation of cataclysmic rapture.

~Cory Morr

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